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BKBF (Belgian Korean Business Forum)
The Belgian Korean Business Forum (BKBF) is an organization that aims to build strong social and business relationships while fostering cooperation between Belgian and Korean companies. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, business executive, academic, or simply looking to meet new people, our events are designed for you!
The committee members are Philippe Gerard (President), Marc Breynart (Vice President), Joris Vankerschaver (Treasurer), Nora Okba, Celine Mouton, and Melissa Sanchez Mouton.
Contact BKBF at comittee@bkbfseoul.com
Follow BKBF at Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or by signing up to the mailing list
Website: www.bkbfseoul.com
Korea Belgium Alumni Association
The Korea Belgium Alumni Association (KBAA) was established in 2019 to build a network of people who have spend time studying in Belgium. As a non-profit organization, the purpose of KBAA is to share experiences and create social opportunities for gathering Belgian and Korean alumni in Korea.
Website: www.koreabelgium-alumni.com